Blue Spring Bouquet
Blue Spring Bouquet
from $85.00
Blue and lavender tones, accented with white. Striking and bold, garden style and modern. A breath of fresh air.
Like a cool, crisp spring morning. This bouquet is bursting with color and artistry. Iris symbolize hope and friendship. Lavender toned roses, bells of Ireland, fragrant spicy stock, purple veronica, and white hydrangeas. You may also find a few surprises from my garden in this bouquet like helebores, pansies, or muscari. This bouquet will soothe your stress away with these calming tones.
Special notes:
- Local No-Contact Hand Delivery available for the Eugene/Springfield area.
- Includes an originally-designed handwritten card either enclosure or regular notecard size.
- While your bouquet will have the style, grace and size of this bouquet, substitutions of seasonally available flowers may be required.