Garden Girl Flowers is Eugene's premier florist. We create custom floral arrangements for all events and reasons. We deliver in Eugene and Springfield and also offer pick-up service for last-minute occasions.
We want to be your go-to florist for every need from small to grand. Shop our site for the wildflower and seasonal bouquets we love, but if you want something out of the ordinary or specific, contact us or give us a call today.
Call Us:
1455 West 24th Place, Eugene, OR 97405
Open by appointment only. No walk-ins at this time.
““My daughter ordered flowers from across the country for Mother’s Day. The bouquet is maybe the most beautiful I’ve ever received. So many different varieties of flowers that are so beautiful and carefully placed. And my daughter said it was an amazing value compared to others in Eugene. I highly recommend this florist!””
““Ordered a flower crown for a friend and it turned out insanely beautiful. I could not have asked for a more thoughtfully crafted piece of flower art. Garden Girl will hands down be my go-to florist for future floral arrangements.” ”